Tuesday, March 28, 2006

And now for something less psycho

My only inspiration of the day was an emotional shock to the system. I am now trying to avoid posting things like "I like cheese"

I think I'll just let this sit till I actually have something to write.


Anonymous said...

I've written about cheese several times on my blog!

Unknown said...

Yes, that was almost the entire contents of the post though. "I like cheese." seems somewhat lackluster.

Maki said...

Ah, c'mon! Anybody who doesn't like cheese is a communist! Everybody likes cheese! Share your like of cheese with the world!

I will use more exclamation points if necessary!

Anonymous said...

See? When you post about cheese you get more comments.

Anonymous said...

See? When you post about cheese you get more comments.

Maki said...

You even get double comments.

Anonymous said...


Tracy said...

I like Velveeta...

and I have a ton of cheese in my fridge for Katie because my mom sent me one of those swiss colony/figi packages that come with all kinds of goodies... and because I don't like "real" cheese... however, when she was at my house last night, she wasn't "in the mood for cheese"... or anything else I tried to shove in her general direction, ie. ice cream or chips or something... and I realized I have become my mother... who in turn became her mother... who always annoyed me when she tried to shove food at me and I wasn't hungry. So maybe I shouldn't become them.

And maybe Katie doesn't like cheese as much as she claims.

Unknown said...

"We are our parents"

Wait till you realize that the guy you really, truly fall for ends up being just like your father....

Oh and that's fine that she didn't take it. I'll eat it. :p Just have the crackers ready!

Anonymous said...

I forgot that you had all that cheese....damn. Trust me, when I get a cheese craving, I'll come knock down your door!

Tracy said...

Like my father?? Yeah, well... as eww incestuous as that sounds... my dad is great.

KATIE!! knock DOWN?
well... okay...

Unknown said...

I know you think your dad is great...unless you're downtown and the road is blocked. In which case, you just boot him out of the car and make him walk!

I was just extending upon the whole "I am my mother" thing :p

And what do you propose she do? Knock it UP? That would be some accomplishment!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Oops...try that again:

Well, I didn't have to knock down (or up or sideways) Tracy's door. She willingly gave me cheese today.

How is it that Jeremy's getting like 100 comments when he really didn't even post anything??? I think you're on to something, Jeremy. Lack of posting = lots of comments.

Unknown said...

telling you, one psycho post and then one random, contentless one and you're on your way to comment heaven!

I'm gonna have to test this newly discovered super-formula in the future.